What should I do once I receive window screen frame imperfections?
Though we ensure a high pass rate of window screen frame thanks to our strict quality control system, there may be some imperfections found owing to the minor incidents occurring during the shipment. In such cases, customers should take some photos of the product with a focus on the imperfections. Once we have confirmed the fact with you through email or phone, we will rapidly ship another product with premium quality to guarantee your interests. Customers can also check out our warranty policy to learn about our compensation terms and conditions.

Smartex Screen Co., Ltd. believes that we have the ability to be a market leader in plisse screen door. The magnetic door curtain series is available in a wide range of types and specifications. The quality control procedure is very strict, ensuring the quality of the product. Specially-made rubber can connect the handlebar with fibreglass net tightly. People say, it will not fail in high wind and it will not incline even under much pressure, which is much better than the fiberglass alternatives. The product is notable for simple design and easy maintenance.

We believe we should use our skills and resources to drive change and bring change to our employees, customers, and communities. Get quote!

Smartex Screen Co., Ltd. believes that we have the ability to be a market leader in plisse screen door. The magnetic door curtain series is available in a wide range of types and specifications. The quality control procedure is very strict, ensuring the quality of the product. Specially-made rubber can connect the handlebar with fibreglass net tightly. People say, it will not fail in high wind and it will not incline even under much pressure, which is much better than the fiberglass alternatives. The product is notable for simple design and easy maintenance.

We believe we should use our skills and resources to drive change and bring change to our employees, customers, and communities. Get quote!